Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

Aries – I AM

Associated with the 1st House and the ages of birth to 7 years. 

Represented by Mars in the sky and a Ram in the zodiac, they are our natural warriors, our heroes, our defenders. So, you might not first associate them with being babies, but just because they are fierce doesn’t mean they aren’t fragile. The first sign of astrology and therefore forever the child wanting approval and seeking it by showing off, Aries are in it to win it in everything they do. They give us innocence and are here to learn to trust. As a Fire sign, they are all about being PASSIONATE.

Taurus – I HAVE

Associated with the 2nd House and the ages of 7 to 14 years.

Represented by Venus in the sky and a Bull in the zodiac, Taurus are as powerful as they are patient. Both sensible and sensual, they are built to last and feel good while they are doing it. They teach us the value of stability and the beauty of simplicity, reminding us to appreciate life’s pleasures with all our senses. They keep us grounded, give us patience, and are here to learn that love is forgiveness. As an Earth sign, they are all about being GROUNDED.

Gemini – I THINK

Associated with the 3rd House and the ages of 14 to 21 years.

Represented by Mercury in the sky and the Twins in the zodiac, Gemini teaches us the benefits of being able to adapt to both sides of anything. All about communication and fluidity, their opinions can change instantly and very much depend on their audience at the time. They give us awareness and are here to learn that love is feeling. As an Air sign, they are all about MENTAL ACTIVITY.

Cancer – I FEEL

Associated with the 4th House and the ages of 21 to 28 years.

Represented by the Moon in the sky and a Crab in the zodiac, Cancers teach us about mothers and mothering. With a hard outer shell protecting their soft, vulnerable underbellies and forever moving in evasive zigzags, the Cancer’s mood changes just as often as the tides. They give us devotion and are here to learn that love is freedom. As a Water sign, they are all about EMOTIONS.

Leo – I WILL

Associated with the 5th House and the ages of 28 to 35 years.

Represented by the Sun in the sky and a Lion in the zodiac, Leos are known for their pride. They are passionate, powerful, and at times overconfident. If you’ve ever seen The Lion King from Disney you will understand when I say that all Leos are either Mufasa, Scar, or Simba at any given time. They give us ecstasy and are here to learn that love is humility. As a Fire sign they are all about being PASSIONATE.


Associated with the 6th House and the ages of 35 to 42 years.

Represented by Mercury in the sky and a Virgin in the zodiac, Virgos are perpetually analyzing (and judging) themselves and those around them. They are the useful servants of the world filling roles such as medical professionals, military personnel, and quite literally often waitstaff and butlers. Their purpose is to give us purity and are here to learn that love is fulfillment. As an Earth sign they are all about being GROUNDED.


Associated with the 7th House and the ages of 42 to 49 years.

Represented by Venus in the sky and a set of balanced scales in the zodiac, a Libra is always trying to find that which will balance life. Whether it be through achieving a lifestyle or obtaining the right partner, their want and need for an equilibrium is what drives them. They give us beauty and are here to learn that love is harmony. As an Air sign, they are all about MENTAL ACTIVITY.

Scorpio – I DESIRE

Associated with the 8th House and the ages 49 to 56 years.

Represented by Pluto in the sky and a scorpion in the Zodiac, Scorpios are naturally probing and interested in the investigation of life’s mysteries. They are propelled to scratch beneath the surface of every situation and relationship. They are often drawn to taboo subject matter and people while being known for being jealous and vindictive when they are hurt. Scorpio placements will demand to know everything about you while trying to keep as many aspects of their lives private as possible. Scorpios give us passion and are here to learn that love is surrender. As a Water sign, they are all about EMOTIONS.

Sagittarius – I PERCEIVE

Associated with the 9th House and the ages of 56 to 63 years.

Represented by Jupiter in the sky and a centaur in the zodiac, Sagittarians are our professors, explorers, comedians, and perpetual optimists. Noted for their extremely high intellect and need to share it with the world, they value learning and teaching almost as much as they yearn to travel and see the world. They give us honesty and are here to learn that love is loyalty. As a Fire sign, they are all about being PASSIONATE.

Capricorn – I USE

Associated with the 10th House and the ages of 63 to 70 years.

Represented by Saturn in the sky and a sea-goat in the zodiac, Capricorns are affectionately known as “Sky Daddy” and are the zodiac’s father figures. They are focused on their responsibilities and often their careers. Most often ambitious, relentless, and at times pessimistic, these goats keep us grounded. They teach us wisdom and are here to learn that love is unselfish. As an Earth sign, they are all about being GROUNDED.

Aquarius – I KNOW

Associated with the 11th House and the ages of 70 to 77 years.

Represented by Uranus in the sky and a water bearer in the zodiac, Aquarians are undoubtedly the most innovative, progressive, rebellious, and humanitarian of us. They are known to be unpredictable and are often archetypal outcasts while still being forever focused on their vast family of friends. They teach us tolerance and are here to learn that love is Oneness. As an Air sign, they are all about MENTAL ACTIVITY.

Pisces – I BELIEVE 

Associated with the 12th House and the ages of 77 to 84 years.

Represented by Neptune in the sky and two fish swimming in the zodiac, Pisces, the last sign in the zodiac, is where we find our gifted artists and intuitives, who are known for their daydreaming and seemingly endless emotions. Accurately represented by two fish swimming in opposite directions, it’s a wonder they arrive at their goals, but somehow, they eventually always do. Pisces placements (especially ascendants) look like they could do no wrong. It’s that little air of innocence that makes it easy for them to manipulate people. They give us compassion and are here to learn that Love is eternal. As a Water sign, they are all about EMOTIONS.