The Planets and Major Astrological Bodies

Sun Moon Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto

The Sun – associated with Leo and the 5th house

The Sun in astrology represents your image of yourself. The whole of your personality is made up of sometimes subtle, sometimes obvious influences of all the astrological bodies and their location in the cosmos, while the Sun, with all of its burning brightness, influences our self-image, our egos, and how we relate to others through these. The Sun changes signs roughly every 30 days, taking 365 days to complete a trip around the zodiac.

Sun Retrograde

The Sun does not go retrograde.

The Moon – associated with Cancer and the 4th house

The Moon in astrology is where we look to understand how we process emotions and, more specifically, how we soothe ourselves. It represents our mothers, or sometimes the mother figures that we adopt. Changing signs every two and a half days, this is how often we see general shifts in emotional statuses as well, while taking 30 days to complete a cycle around the zodiac.

Moon Retrograde

The Moon does not go retrograde.

Mercury – associated with Gemini and Virgo and the 3rd and the 6th houses

In astrology, Mercury fuels our communication style, the ways we exchange information with each other, our intellect, our memories, how we learn, our early educational years, technology, our adaptability, and our modes and means of transportation. Mercury is often said to be a trickster and can show us how and where we can be deceptive. It can be in a sign anywhere from 15 to 60 days depending on its retrograde status.

Mercury Retrograde

Possibly the most famous retrograde activity there is, Mercury goes retrograde three to four times a year, for approximately three weeks each time. During these periods, we often experience delays and frustrations in our everyday communication, short-distance errands, and encounter technology glitches.

Venus – associated with Taurus and Libra and the 2nd and 7th houses

Venus is associated with love, beauty, harmony, relationships, pleasure, self-worth, and our earning and spending styles. It rules both Libra and Taurus, which are signs connected with these themes. Due to Venus’s proximity to the Sun, it can only be two signs away from the Sun’s position. Therefore, these are the possibilities for Venus signs, considering its close orbit and alignment with the Sun.

Venus Retrograde

When Venus goes retrograde, we take another look at the decisions we have made in matters of love and relationships. Our priorities and values are reexamined, old relationships may resurface for resolution, and there may be delays in financial matters as well. Venus goes retrograde approximately every 18 months, with each retrograde period lasting roughly 6 weeks.

Mars – associated with Aries and the 1st house

Mars, the planet of action, passion, and rage, influences various aspects of our lives. It is associated with our energy, vitality, and physical activity, as well as our assertiveness, aggression, passions, and desires. Mars also governs how we take initiative and our leadership style. A common saying in astrology is that ‘Venus is how we want to experience love, Mars is how we go after it,’ highlighting Mars’s role in pursuing our desires and taking action in relationships.

Mars Retrograde

When Mars goes retrograde, we internalize our energy, bringing it back to ourselves to reexamine how we use it. We reflect on past passions and actions, review and reassess our goals, and may find ourselves more easily frustrated and involved in conflicts. As with all retrogrades, we collectively experience more delays and obstacles during Mars retrograde, which ultimately serve our growth and development. Overall, this period is primed for rest and reflection. Mars goes retrograde approximately every two years, with an average duration of two and a half to three months, or 40 to 80 days.

Jupiter – associated with Sagittarius and the 9th house

Jupiter is the planet of expansion, growth, abundance, optimism, legal matters, and opportunity. In our natal chart, Jupiter’s placement indicates where we find natural luck, good fortune, and blessings, often leading to success and positive outcomes with minimal effort. Jupiter also fosters optimism, enthusiasm, generosity, and offers insights into our faith and belief systems. As the ruler of Sagittarius, Jupiter’s transits reveal areas of interest in travel, exploration, and higher learning.

Jupiter Retrograde

Jupiter goes retrograde once a year, lasting roughly 120 days. During this period, our growth and expansion turn inward as we focus more on inner development rather than outward pursuits. We reevaluate our opportunities, faith, and belief systems, and may encounter legal issues or court matters. Long-distance travel plans may face disruptions, and we may feel less optimistic than usual.

Saturn – associated with Capricorn and the 10th house

Saturn, often referred to as ‘Sky Daddy,’ symbolizes the father’s traditional energy in our charts, representing discipline, responsibility, limitations, structure, and authority. Its placement in our natal charts can indeed pertain to fathers and fatherhood. Saturn’s influence may bring restrictions and a sense of waiting, yet it also holds the potential for long-term success. Known as the bringer of karma, ‘Sky Daddy’ is where we experience the consequences of our actions or inactions. Additionally, Saturn often symbolizes corporate activity and societal structures, reflecting the influence of authority figures and institutional power.

Saturn Retrograde

Saturn goes retrograde once a year for approximately 4.5 months. Similar to the times when our fathers or grandfathers would sit in their recliners and contemplate our seemingly disappointing behaviors, when Saturn goes retrograde, we take a step back to reflect on the choices we have made. We analyze our limits and boundaries and confront the reality and consequences of our prior actions and decisions. By examining the house and sign of Saturn’s location, we can gain insight into the specific areas affected. These are moments that require patience and self-discipline, regardless of whether it’s our usual approach or not. As with all retrogrades, Saturn retrograde often brings the past back up for reconsideration.

Uranus – associated with Aquarius and the 11th house

Uranus, the planet of chaos and change, spends approximately seven years in each sign, completing a full cycle of the zodiac in roughly 84 years, spanning an entire lifetime. Like other “iceberg” or “generational planets,” Uranus influences entire generations similarly. It drives innovation and progress as our species breaks from tradition and forges new paths. Uranus governs individuality, independence, rebellions, and revolutions. When unexpected events occur or things suddenly veer off course, Uranus is at play. Its domain includes electricity, technology, social change, humanitarianism, and personal and collective awakenings.

Uranus Retrograde

The planet of unexpectedness, Uranus, goes retrograde approximately once a year for around five months at a time. Because it is such an iceberg planet, it will go retrograde in the same sign several times on its journey through. Each time it pivots directions, it’s like lightning striking our lives. All of its chaotic energy, revolutionary motives, and innovation get turned inward, leading us to liberate ourselves from past versions of ourselves. Alternatively, our lives may very well burn down around us, leaving us no choice. The upside of this phenomenon is that when Uranus goes retrograde, most of the outward chaos tends to slow down to a manageable level, allowing us to focus on our inner worlds.

Neptune -associated with Pisces and the 12th house

Neptune, the planet of illusion, delusion, creativity, inspiration, and compassion, is another one of the “icebergs” and “generational” planets. It spends approximately 14 years in each sign, shaping each generation’s creative interests, spiritual beliefs, and the focus of their addictions. Due to Neptune’s association with escapism, it rules over all drug and alcohol experiences. The house placement of Neptune in your natal chart indicates where you may experience interactions with either or both.

Neptune Retrograde

Neptune goes retrograde once a year for about five to six months at a time. During these periods, our intuition becomes heightened, and our spiritual practices take on greater significance. Because Neptune rules over our illusions and delusions, retrograde periods often bring these facades crashing down, forcing us to confront realities. We are able to revisit our dreams and aspirations with a newfound clarity that may have eluded us before. Additionally, it becomes easier for us to establish boundaries and feel grounded as we release attachments and surrender control.

Pluto – associated with Scorpio and the 8th house

Pluto has a varying orbital speed, which results in it spending anywhere from 14 to 30 years in each sign, averaging around 21 years, and taking 248 years to complete a full orbit of the zodiac.

  • Pluto in Scorpio: 1984-1995
  • Pluto in Sagittarius: 1995-2008
  • Pluto in Capricorn: 2008-2024
  • Pluto in Aquarius: 2024-2044

As incredibly slow as this planet moves, when we understand the energy behind it, we are grateful that it doesn’t move any faster. Pluto’s energy is for dismantling and destroying the systems we have built for the purpose of recreating something greater. It’s about how we handle power and fight for control, governing our obsessions and intensities. This is where we uncover the hidden truths of ourselves and those around us. Pluto’s placement in your natal chart reveals where you naturally possess these tendencies. Despite the unsettling nature of Pluto’s influence, its purpose is to restore balance to both the house it occupies and the opposing house simultaneously.

Pluto Retrograde

While some planets seem to give us a break from their energies during their retrograde phases, Pluto is the opposite. It intensifies as we turn inward to confront our hidden fears and desires, forcing profound personal growth. Repressed issues resurface to be dealt with through psychological healing and empowerment. These are the moments built in to prompt us towards rebirth, towards letting go of that which we built up around ourselves in the name of control and self-protection. Ready or not, truths are revealed as Pluto demands honesty, transparency, and authenticity.