The Houses

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th

2nd House – Ruled by/Associated with Taurus and Venus

The 2nd House tells us about your self worth, your values, your earning and spending style, your relationship to your possessions, and your priorities. Planets found in the 2nd show us what you need more of in this lifetime. Where we develop self reliance. Personal name asteroids (PNA) of your children can often be found in the second house. Keywords: Values, obtainment, possessions, earning capacity, inner resources, self worth, personal protection, money earned, money spent, contribution, comfort, priorities, responsibility.

3rd House – Ruled by/Associated with Gemini and Mercury

The 3rd House represents your communication style, and your relationships with people you talk to daily such as siblings and neighbors. Here we can also gain information about your daily commute whether it be by car, train, bus or any other modes of short distance travel. It also relates to communication that takes place via the internet, a computer, text messaging or short notes written. Keywords: Friendship, comprehension, neighborhood, errands, brothers and sisters, communication, transportation, short trips, adaptability, talents taken for granted, objective mind, primary schooling, close relatives, acquaintances, communicating ideas, mental apparatus, mental connection, phone calls and letters, conversations, chit chat, television and radio, logic, bartering, assimilation of information, brainstorms, mechanical dexterity.

4th House – Ruled by/Associated with Cancer and The Moon

The 4th House is most often associated with one’s mother, motherhood, your ancestry, your family roots, and all real estate matters pertaining to your own physical home. We can also look here to see whether you were nurtured or not. Keywords: Protection, parents, parental conditioning, family members and blood ties, home and residence, family foundation, Psychological base, private life, homes and real estate, private matters, mother’s influence, basis of character, self protection, domestic settings, domestic environment, household items, the land on which we live, emotional dexterity, emotional personality, instinctive response, patriotism, sentimentality, nostalgia.

5th House – Ruled by/Associated with Leo and The Sun

The 5th House is the house of creativity, pleasure, hobbies, gambling, the beginning of love and love affairs, fun, performing arts, pregnancies and children. Keywords: Self Expression, talent, procreation, pregnancy, offspring, amusement,  speculation, gambling, hobbies, games and sports, originality, drama, dance, artistic outlets, image projection, popularity, politics, pleasure, Fame and renown, competition, romance, love making, trysts, fine arts, playing with children, fun and amusement.

6th House – Ruled by/Associated with Virgo and Mercury

The 6th House is known as the house of Health and relates to your daily routine, health habits, the job we do daily as well as your repetitive daily tasks. We look here for information about how  you are of service to others, and your relationship to small animals and pets. Keywords: Service, daily job, obligation, self help, diet and health, hygiene, medical check ups, habits, staff and employees, dependence, routine, punctuality, aunts and uncles, self adaptation, service to the public, effectiveness, sleep habits, usefulness, details, discipleship, neatness, the armed forces, Medical professionals, daily duties, household pets in small animals.

7th House – Ruled by/Associated with Libra and Venus

The 7th House gives us insight into your relationships with other people, showing us your Partnerships both good and bad. Keywords: Union, cooperation, on on one partnerships, business partnerships, marriage, contracts, agreements, compromise, lawsuits, grandparents, identification with others, Oneness with others, equality, harmony, the opposite sex, attraction, balance, marriage, divorce, adversaries, who won attracts, loved bonds, public relations, fairness, unification.

8th House – Ruled by/Associated with Scorpio and Pluto

The 8th House is the house I like to refer to as ” S*** we don’t talk about at the dinner table” as it tells us about the deeply private matters of security and bonding we are involved in with other people. Sex, taboos, money that comes from other people such as through legacies and inheritances, taxes, loans and mortgages. Also found here are clues to your relationship with jealousy, any obsessive behaviors, and views on manipulation. Keywords: Ownership, endings, reconstruction, reformation, Financial assistance, legacies / trusts/wills, taxes, inheritance, insurance, secrets, sexual behavior, sixth sense, psychological rebirth, the occult, sleep, in depth, investigation, examination, mysteries, hidden assets, spiritual change, shared material resources, joint funds, money from marriage or divorce, conflict over wealth, well for glorification, self sacrifice, material dependence, corporate money, control and manipulation, coercion and bullying.

9th House – Ruled by/Associated with Sagittarius and Jupiter

The 9th House is about how you put to use the information you gained in the third house and is associated with higher knowledge, expansion of knowledge, philosophy, ethics, long distance travel, foreign people and places, and multicultural relations. It tells us about your relationship with religion and/or spiritual leaders. Also covering whether or not and how well you utilize writing as a form of communication, publishing and whether it is well received and profitable or not. Keywords: Aspirations, higher mind, higher education, worldview, law, religion, ethics, principles, philosophy, psychology, long journeys, foreign transactions, foreigners, big business and industry, trade/import/export, church as a spiritual sanctuary, clergy, in-laws, grandchildren, insight, humor, public opinion, court and legal decisions, lessons learned, second marriages, systemized thinking, manifest social concepts, career and publishing, careers and teaching, developing wisdom, intellectual synthesis, passage of principles, cultural Pursuits, and growth of consciousness.

10th House – Ruled by/Associated with Capricorn and Saturn

The 10th House is often associated with your father (or mother if she is your dominant parent), your public reputation, your rank in society, your overall career, and how you are remembered after you pass away. This house gives us clues to how you relate to people in power, masculine figures, and if you may become famous. Keywords: Status, usefulness, honor,  reputation, position, station/status, long range goals, advancement, and vision, executive office, authority, government, how we are seen and assessed, influence, parental authority, business relationships, self discipline, social rank, hard work, job titles, professional honor, follow through, ties to political systems, cause and effect.

11th House – Ruled by/Associated with Aquarius and Uranus

The 11th House is the House of Friendship and tells us about your friends, the groups, organizations, and charities you are involved with. It gives us clues as to your hopes and dreams, and the type of friend that you attract to you and are to others. Keywords: Social awareness, group dynamics, friendships, associates, unemotional bonds, ideals to live by, mass appeal, self employment, stepchildren/foster children/adoptive children, situations out of control, humanitarian concerns, clubs/clicks/associations, hopes and wishes, the collective, extraterrestrial life, technology, the unexpected, mutations, interpersonal truth, identification within a group, unorthodox activities, Universal regard, liberation.

12th House – Ruled by/Associated with Pisces and Neptune

The 12th House is the house of things hidden away. It covers your subconsciousness, your dreams, your intuition, and your imagination. Things found here can be hidden away from others but also just as easily from you, yourself. It is often associated with illegal activities as well as any and all institutions such as hospitals, rehabilitation centers, prisons, and monasteries. By looking at the astrological bodies in the 12th house in order we can often glean a picture of your mother’s life while she was pregnant with you. Keywords: Extrasensory perception, profound imagery, self-pity, aversions, inner strength, inner weakness, surrender to a higher power, secrets, secret societies, healing in solitude, confinement, seclusion, unfinished business, hidden problems, subliminal endings, bodies of water, unseen danger, grief caused by self-deception, sympathy, understanding, escapism, ecstasy, unreality, martyrdom, selflessness, aptitude for the Arts.