Astrologically astute.
Eternal student.
Food lover. Traveler. Storyteller.
Zen Junkie. Photographer. Cosmic clock reader.

As a child, my mother hung a lion above my bed—when I asked her why she explained that it was a symbol of protection and strength, her Leo spirit. Little did I know, that was my first introduction to the world of astrology, a realm where symbolism and meaning intertwine with the movements of the stars.

It wasn’t until later, after the birth of my own children, that I began to truly study astrology with an earnest curiosity. At 25, the sudden and violent passing of my mother helped me to truly embrace astrology as a lifeline of understanding the lessons of life and death. In the face of tragedy, astrology became my guiding light, offering clarity where religion and philosophy seemingly fell short.

Studying privately, I sought solace and understanding in the cosmic patterns that I discovered. But it wasn’t until I embarked on a transformative journey—my kids grown, I retired from my photography business of 15 years and wandering the country in a tiny house with my loyal companions Edie, Moose, and Maxwell—that I realized the profound impact astrology could have on someone’s life.

Surrounded by the majestic mountains and vast expanses of the United States, I felt compelled to share the wisdom I had gained with others. It was a decision born out of a deep desire to offer guidance and insight to those navigating life’s seemingly random twists and turns.

Thus, I made the leap to become a professional astrologer and teacher, dedicating myself to helping others unlock the secrets of the cosmos and find their own path to fulfillment. For me, astrology is more than just a practice—it’s a red pill, a journey into the depths of the human experience that forever alters the way we perceive the world around us.

With each chart I analyze and every student I teach, I am reminded of the transformative power of the cosmic clock and the endless possibilities it holds for those who dare to want to grow.