Pay What You Can Afford

In the beginning, navigating the world of astrology was overwhelming. The sheer volume of information was staggering, and while I could access reports and charts online, understanding and interpreting them was another story. I found myself frustrated by the lack of guidance available and the high costs associated with working with professional astrologers. While I could afford to run charts and receive automated reports, I struggled to find someone who could provide comprehensive explanations and personalized insights. Determined to bridge this gap, I embarked on a journey to become the resource I wished I had when I started. My goal is to offer accessible, personalized guidance at a price point that accommodates varying financial circumstances, ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to explore astrology with clarity and confidence.

For these reasons I offer a ‘pay what you can afford’ option, exclusively available to clients and students who have previously booked and paid for an initial session or lesson. This approach ensures that those I have worked with have the opportunity to continue their journey with astrology, regardless of the financial constraints they may be experiencing. By offering this flexible payment option, I aim to make astrology a part of your everyday life. I am dedicated to promoting inclusivity and accessibility whenever possible.

I want to ensure that this option remains sustainable and accessible to those who truly need it. Therefore, I reserve the right to end this offer at my discretion if it is being misused or taken advantage of. I appreciate your understanding and cooperation in maintaining the integrity of this initiative.