Frequently Asked Questions

Have Questions?

What are one-on-one lessons like?

One-on-one lessons are structured to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of astrology in a personalized setting. We begin by setting up a dedicated Google Drive folder containing resources tailored to your needs, including spaces for entering birth chart data and reference materials on astrology basics. During two sessions scheduled approximately two weeks apart and conducted via phone or video chat, we delve into key concepts such as the basics of astrology, different chart types, and effective techniques for ‘asteroid hunting’ to identify significant celestial bodies specific to your life.

In the second lesson, scheduled to coincide with the next lunar event (New or Full Moon), we further explore the energies of the luminaries, discuss any upcoming major transits and eclipses, and address any questions or areas of interest that may have arisen.

Why do you consider the placement of asteroids in astrology?

My philosophy is that “All matter – matters.” Through years of research, I have confirmed that the placement of asteroids is indeed relevant and helpful when gathering details about a person’s chart and life. I don’t believe in cherry-picking what to include and what to exclude. If it exists, it influences us.

Can you tell me the future?

While I can’t predict the future in a literal sense, astrology allows us to glimpse through time and analyze the energies present in our lives. Think of it as a roadmap that helps illuminate potential paths and possibilities. Ultimately, the choices we make determine the outcomes, and astrology can provide valuable insights to help us prepare for and navigate those choices.

Preparation for a consultation or lesson with me is simple. First, gather any relevant information or questions you have about your life, challenges, or areas of interest that you’d like to explore through astrology. If you’re seeking insight into specific relationships or events, consider jotting down notes or key points to discuss during our session. Additionally, it’s helpful to have your birth chart information ready, including your date, time, and place of birth. This allows us to dive deeper into your astrological profile and tailor our discussion to your unique circumstances. Finally, approach our session with an open mind and willingness to explore new insights and perspectives. I’m here to guide and support you on your journey of self-discovery through astrology.

How do I prepare for a consultation or lesson with you?

With just a little preparation we can ensure that you get the absolute most out of our time together. First, it’s helpful to have your birth chart information ready, including your date, time, and place of birth. Additionally, gather any relevant information or questions you have about your life, challenges, or areas of interest that you’d like to explore through astrology. If you’re seeking insight into specific relationships or events, consider jotting down notes, key points, names and dates to discuss. This allows us to dive deeper into your astrological profile and tailor our discussion to your unique circumstances.
Finally, make sure to have a PC, laptop, or tablet handy so that you can setup and run your own charts as we go. I encourage students and clients alike to have a notebook dedicated to astrology for notes that can be referenced later. I’m here to guide and support you, but ultimately it is YOUR journey and it’s up to you how you want to go about it.

Do you really allow people to “pay what they can afford”?

Yes, I do. After the initial session, I offer students and clients the option to schedule calls and pay what they can honestly afford at the time. I understand that life can be difficult, and I don’t want to leave my clients and students unsupported in what is truly a lifelong journey of learning and growing.

I reserve the right to revoke this privilege if it is abused.

Are there any topics that you refuse to cover?

There are no subjects that I refuse to cover because I believe that understanding the most challenging or taboo topics is what leads to the most profound growth and healing. In fact, I tend to somewhat specialize in areas such as death, abuse, addiction, and other sensitive topics because I’ve seen firsthand the transformative power of addressing these issues with compassion and insight, and not discussing these topics has allowed them to run rampant in society.

How often do you work with the same client?

I have clients that I talk to weekly, some I talk to once a month, but the majority of them I suggest we talk twice a year. It all depends on what you have going on in your life at the moment. Some situations benefit from being analyzed closely and others need time to manifest and evolve. I will try to accommodate accordingly.

How do I schedule a consultation or lesson with you?

Scheduling a consultation or lesson with me is easy! Simply click on any of the ‘Booking’ links you see throughout this site as well as directly through the ‘Booking‘ page, where you’ll find available time slots. Choose a time that works for you, fill out the required information, and confirm your appointment. If you have any specific preferences or questions before booking, feel free to reach out to me directly via email.

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