Astrology Aspects

Conjunction – 0°-10° apart/Same sign – Soft or Easy aspect where the two energies combine or blend together.

Semisextile – 30°/ 1 Sign apart – Uncomfortable and crowded energy.

Sextile – 60°/Two signs apart – Creating cooperation and and easy flow of energy. Can lead to growth or increase.

Square – 90°/Three signs apart – Representing a mental or physical tug-of-war or power struggle. Tense conflict. Spurs action. A breaking point.

Trine – 120°/Four signs apart – Harmony. Lucky. The “sweet spot”. Same goals/energy. Can be excessive and therefore destructive if not managed well.

Quincunx – 150°/5 Signs apart – Awkwardness, discord. Adjustment is required. Solutions found must serve all agendas

Opposition – 180°/6 Signs apart – Polarity. Mirroring. Balance. Creates dynamic tension. Both sides want the SAME thing but are coming at it from opposing positions. Compromise is ALWAYS the solution.