Venus conjunct Chiron

Currently in the sky, Venus (love, money, spending style, self-worth) is conjunct (touching, melding with) Chiron (our deepest wound) in the sign of Aries (putting self first, action, passion, anger, war). Check out your natal chart to know what house it’s happening in, or on what stage this will play out for you. Check your composite charts to know what stage it’s playing out on in your relationships.

Venus recently crossed over the North Node of fated events and also Mercury Retrograde, so we are all definitely working on our relationships to others as well as ourselves at the moment. It would be easy to say “we are all healing our wounds” with these transits, but the truth is that it is always a choice. Some people are dragged through these scenarios kicking and screaming, and when they are over, these people are just happy to have survived and never want to think about these conflicts or uncomfortable emotions again. We call that a lack of self-awareness, and that’s not the goal, lol.

I feel like most people who would read an astrology blog post have at least a basic understanding of what Venus represents and is doing in our lives. It’s about how we love, how we love each other, and most importantly, how we love ourselves. Find it in your natal chart, and you’ll get clues as to how and on what you both earn and spend your money. Venus represents both Taurus and Libra in the zodiac, and both of these signs are all about nice things.

Chiron is the one that most people lack a general understanding about, and it’s my guess that this is because people don’t particularly enjoy examining their deepest wounds. Just as Chiron the centaur hid away attempting to heal his mortal wound himself, we too hide our Chiron wound from the daylight and the eyes of those around us. When we are younger, it’s often our shame. As we get older, it becomes our weakness and our Achilles’ heel. That topic we find ourselves having to make dark jokes about as a form of deflection and ultimately survival.

Chiron is the wound that we did not cause,
but that we ourselves must address in order to heal.

The definition of “not our fault but it IS our problem”.

Chiron in Aries: The wound of Self. These individuals may have issue asserting themselves, or they may assert themselves too much and end up so self absorbed that no one else matters. They may have suffered violence growing up and had to learn to protect themselves. To heal this Chiron one must learn to accept themselves as they are and then help others to do so.

Chiron in Taurus: The wound of Having and Not Having. AKA the wound of Loss. The individuals will struggle with self worth, inadequacy, and have deep feelings about material possessions. They may struggle with earning and having enough to fit in with those around them. Healing here looks like learning to not place as much importance on material things and focusing more on who you are vs what you have.

Chiron in Gemini: The wound of Communication. This wound manifests as either not being able to communicate clearly, whether it be by talking too much, or not enough, or volleying wildly in-between the two. They may not feel comfortable expressing themselves, and perpetually question what they have to contribute as being worthy or not. Healing this wound revolves around learning how to truly believe that your voice matters, and is usually done by helping others find their own voice in life.

Chiron in Cancer: The wound of Mother and Family. These individuals were wounded deeply in their early childhood. They were abandoned in someway and often lack nurturing or closeness with their mother. It could be that their home life was disruptive or unstable as well. Later in life it can manifest as a deep distrust in women and the propensity to minimalize their importance in life. Healing comes from learning to soften to the women and learning to nurture themselves, usually by helping someone else who is going through the same scenarios.

Chiron in Leo: The wound of Invisibility.
People with this Chiron placement often feel unseen and unimportant in life. Their creativity could be stunted, or they may have never been allowed to actually behave as a child should. To heal this wound one has to learn to honor their inner child, spending time being carefree and simply having fun. They can be incredibly powerful teachers and mentors to others.

Chiron in Virgo: The wound of Perfectionism. In my opinion this is one of the most difficult Chiron placements to live with. These individuals are incredibly hard of themselves and those around them. Nothing ever feels good enough. They can often obsess about the condition of their physical bodies and may end up with eating disorders. They strive to maintain control over all facets of life. Healing this wound involves learning to let go of the need to control so much of their lives.

Chiron in Libra: The wound of Relationships and Indecision. In true Libra fashion this wound often manifest as an inability to be alone with themselves. They may also not be able to make a decision. Perpetually waffling between what they want and what they believe other people may want instead. Healing often involves simply learning to be alone and feeling complete in it.

Chiron in Scorpio: The wound of Intensity. Individuals with this placement often bear deep emotional scars, born from betrayals, power struggles, or profound psychological trauma. Healing involves bravely confronting these intense emotions, transforming pain into wisdom, and emerging from the depths stronger and more resilient.

Chiron in Sagittarius: The wound of Meaninglessness. Those with this placement may navigate life feeling adrift, seeking purpose in a world that appears chaotic and devoid of meaning. Healing entails embarking on a profound journey of philosophical exploration and self-discovery, uncovering inner truths and aligning with a higher purpose that guides their path.

Chiron in Capricorn: The wound of Control. These individuals often grapple with a deep-seated fear of losing control, leading to tendencies towards perfectionism and rigid structures. Healing involves releasing the need for control, embracing vulnerability, and learning to trust in their inner strength and resilience as they navigate life’s uncertainties.

Chiron in Aquarius: The wound of Not Belonging. Individuals may feel like outsiders, struggling to find acceptance and connection in a world that feels alienating. Healing involves embracing their unique individuality, finding solidarity among like-minded souls, and contributing to the collective growth and evolution of humanity.

Chiron in Pisces: The wound of Sensitivity. Those with this placement often possess a profound capacity for empathy that leaves them vulnerable. Often life has made it impossible for them to be true to it, instead forcing them to cold and unfeeling to those closest to them. Healing entails honoring their sensitivity as a gift, establishing healthy boundaries, and channeling their compassion into acts of service and creative expression that uplift both themselves and those around them.

As Venus and Chiron align in the sky, a powerful window of opportunity for personal growth and collective healing emerges. This cosmic convergence invites us to embark on a journey of self-exploration while extending empathy and understanding to those around us. It’s a moment where the challenges we face resonate deeply with the themes of our natal Chiron placements. Embrace this unique moment, recognizing that if the timing isn’t ideal now, the universe will provide another chance in approximately 1.6 years.