Medusa #149
As is often the case with retold stories, Medusa’s has had its corners rounded off to meet the most current needs, but in order to understand what asteroid Medusa signifies astrologically we need the whole picture.
After a debatably consensual sexual act with the god of all waters Poseidon/Neptune in Athena’s temple, to say nothing of a vow of celibacy, Medusa was transformed into the creature we are most commonly familiar with. Zeus had left it to Athena to deal with. It’s simplistic and relatable to say Athena was jealous of Medusa’s incredible beauty, and that is why she transformed her into something hideous, but this is Athena, goddess of warfare and wisdom. Chess not checkers. Pallas Athena represents where we see far-reaching patterns, strategy, and possess natural understanding. No, she did not forge her greatest battle asset in a jealous rage. She knew what others could not possibly know. Medusa had come to her, begging to be allowed to serve from within the temple walls exclusively.
“Why? Why remain here when your service requires that you go out amongst my subjects?”
“The men, even some of the women…the things they say to me, about me, even knowing that I serve you dutifully. They are horrible and perverse things. If I protest it only grows worse. It frightens me. Please may I avoid their eyes and torrid fantasies by remaining ever at your side?”
A knowing smile, Athena shot back, “Extra time? Less line? More wine? You’re flattered and use your beauty if it suits you, but now cower behind me rather than stand up for yourself.”
She had watched as Medusa knowingly enjoyed the perks that came with original beauty and yes, the lust-fueled suffering. Suffering that only continued because Medusa remained unable or more often unwilling to stand in her own power. Athena knew the incredible gift that Medusa possessed. She granted Medusa’s wish with a tender kiss. The figure framing locks that Medusa was so known for fell to the ground. Serpents grew from her crown and her eyes became mirrors reflecting only a person’s true and powerful nature back at them.
Not what others see.
Not who we want them to see.
Simply who we truly are.